
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Print Making Cardboard

I did a print of a meme involving elmo. Clearly it got better as prints went on but was still lacking in quality.

Paper Mache Sculpture

I made a Snail out of some wood bits, a pill bottle, styrofoam, pipe cleaners, paint, and of course paper mache!

Clay Project

I made an ornament for a christmas gift! I don't know what was more fun. Making it, or painting it!


I like the design but feel the color aspect is lacking. I hope my color coordination gets better.

Color Mixing Sheet

This was fun!

Grid Drawing of Elk

The shading was the most difficult part of this. Although it isn't perfect, I think I did a decent job on the shading replication.

Tiger Grid Drawing

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

One Point Perspective Drawing

The original image was in 2 point perspective so I had to make it 1 point by changing the left side of the image.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Design Principle Proportion, Disproportionate Artworks

Art Viewed Then Compared to Now, Iconic Art, and Symbolistic Art

Art Viewed through the years can have different interpretations because the times in which those who judged it have changed. For instance, in the painting below it can viewed as a normal relaxing day and the families are gathered at the park to connect with each other, but today it could be viewed as something along the lines of watching a boat race, perhaps it is an old timely costume party, or could even be viewed as a bunch of people gathered in the park due to a large power outage making internet non-accessible.
When it comes to Iconic Art I think one major Icon is Vincent Van Gogh. He created many works that have changed the art world in terms of beauty and style, and died before his work got the appreciation it deserved. I think that is a very Iconic trait of Van Gogh, besides the fact that he was mentally unstable and cut off his own ear.
This next painting I believe contains many forms of symbolism in regards to the aspect of birth. For instance, the arms of the humanoid figure form a couple laying in each others arms. This could be shown as procreation, in other words something that leads to birth. The same can be said for the humanoid figure holding that couple. There is a baby within it's belly. There are others as well! Let me know if you can see them.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Folk, Brut, and Outsider Art

Folk Art: Purely decorative not meant for aesthetics. Used by normally lower class or poor people. Can be found in forms of graffiti among others and is colorful.

Outsider Art: Art created by someone from outside the art community. Typically is a raw artist with weird yet intriguing concepts and visuals.

Brute Art: Term created to describe outside artists. Art is very similar to that of the outsider style as well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

First Abstract Painting for Art

For this Painting I felt that not every detail had to be colored. I painted only the things I viewed as important. It's abstract because of the color, distortion, and fracturing that create the shape and hue of the art.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Is everything art?

I would say there are a lot of things to be considered art but that not everything is art. If someone made a tool it would be a tool to use, not to admire for its look and function.

What is art?

Art is something created that brings out visual pleasure and, or curiosity.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

What Reasons do People Make Art?

People make art for a number of reasons.

-Visual Arts
-Stress Relief

These are just a few basic ways art is made. One word descriptions isn't enough though. For example with the word "Music". Why is the artist making this art form? Is it to scream out emotions you can't convey in words alone? Is it to make someone else feel the same way you do? Is it to try and show people the beauty of the world and what you create? These questions can be asked for every one of the examples above; they don't have to be music based alone to answer these questions.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

What Jobs Require Creativity?

There are many jobs that require creativity!

-Clothes Designer
-Game Designer
-Interior Design
-Web Development

and many, many more

What is Creativity?

Creativity is the inspiration you have to make something beautiful in the world.