
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Art Viewed Then Compared to Now, Iconic Art, and Symbolistic Art

Art Viewed through the years can have different interpretations because the times in which those who judged it have changed. For instance, in the painting below it can viewed as a normal relaxing day and the families are gathered at the park to connect with each other, but today it could be viewed as something along the lines of watching a boat race, perhaps it is an old timely costume party, or could even be viewed as a bunch of people gathered in the park due to a large power outage making internet non-accessible.
When it comes to Iconic Art I think one major Icon is Vincent Van Gogh. He created many works that have changed the art world in terms of beauty and style, and died before his work got the appreciation it deserved. I think that is a very Iconic trait of Van Gogh, besides the fact that he was mentally unstable and cut off his own ear.
This next painting I believe contains many forms of symbolism in regards to the aspect of birth. For instance, the arms of the humanoid figure form a couple laying in each others arms. This could be shown as procreation, in other words something that leads to birth. The same can be said for the humanoid figure holding that couple. There is a baby within it's belly. There are others as well! Let me know if you can see them.

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